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Calvary Link: What’s Next?

Calvary-Link-Even-MoreI feel like we are in the midst of something very special. I'm constantly hearing stories of how God is changing lives: children are hearing the gospel and coming to Christ, students are learning to be generous (love that!), and our senior saints are witnessing to friends and neighbors! No wonder we need more room!

In case you haven't heard, 89 leaders have committed to giving $2.1 million to our Even More generosity initiative over the next 3 years. Your leaders are ALL IN to help our church reach even more people with the gospel. Wow! I love working with generous people. Generosity is beautiful!

So what's next? During the month of May, I will be asking EVERYONE to join us in this great cause. It will be a simple ask from pastor to people. No guilt trips. No gimmicks. A simple "Here's a really big vision. Let's change more lives forever. Will you join me?" Right now I'm asking you to pray. Pray for our church. Pray for each other. Pray that the gospel will go out even further into Northwest Indiana and around the world.

This Sunday we continue our exposition of the Book of Acts. The baptismal waters will be stirring in all three services (yes!), the worship team will be ready to rock, and I can't wait to open the Word again so that you are blessed. I am thankful for what God is doing NOW and looking ahead to EVEN MORE amazing days with you.

What's New at Calvary...

Even More Prayer
This month we are praying together that God will change even more lives through Calvary. Pick up a card at Guest Services with specific prayer points and post it somewhere you'll see it often and be reminded to pray for your church. Plus you can sign up to be part of a special prayer initiative next month and pray for our church family as people consider financially investing in the Even More project.

Short Term Mission Trips
Calvary is sending out 4 short-term mission teams this year! Learn more about their plans and how you can pray for the teams, plus give to the trip(s) of your choice, on the Global Outreach Serve the World page.

Limitless Thanks!
"When we are generous, God's power is limitless!" That was the tagline for Calvary Students' Limitless weekend, and they are sending a shoutout to everyone who gave generously to their 2nd annual Fill the Pantry event. Students packed and delivered 2400 pounds of food to Housing Opportunities and Hilltop House, 1000 pounds MORE than their goal! Thank you!

Child Dedication
When your family grows, our church family grows! We hold a child dedication ceremony during all three services on Mother's Day each year. We would love to pray with your family on Sunday 5.8. Parents are encouraged to attend a child dedication class on Wednesday 4.27 or Sunday 5.1. Register on the Child Dedication page of our website.

Coffee With the Pastors
Visitors to Calvary are invited to meet our pastors and ministry leaders on Sunday 5.15 at South Bend Chocolate Café from 6:30-8p. Ask questions and interact with our staff in a casual café setting, plus get to know others who are new to Calvary.