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CertaPro Painters of Northwest Indiana welcomes Chris Blaylock to commercial sales team

CertaPro Painters of Northwest Indiana welcomes Chris Blaylock to commercial sales team

Chris Blaylock is one of the newest salespeople to join the team at CertaPro Painters of Northwest Indiana, coming to the job after over 30 years in the restaurant business.

It is a big departure for the food and beverage veteran, but it is also a big opportunity. The idea first came up during a conversation with his longtime friend John Jordan, owner of CertaPro Painters. Jordan knew his friend’s talents, and believed he had the makings of a strong salesman.

“One night over dinner, he brought the idea to my attention and asked if I ever saw myself working outside of restaurants,” Blaylock said. “Honestly, I was kind of taken aback. Working in restaurants was all I’d ever done. I told him I had no idea what I’d do anywhere else, and he started talking to me about the confidence I showed in talking to people and networking. He thought I’d be a good fit in sales.”

The conversation ended without a firm resolution, and Blaylock went on with life as normal for a little while. Then, a couple of weeks later, he ran into Jordan again. This time, Jordan convinced him to drop by the CertaPro office.

“I didn’t really think about it much after that until I saw him a couple weeks later at the gym,” he said. “He brought me out to the CertaPro office and we did a two-hour interview about what the job is like. One thing turned into another, and it took about a month for me to make the leap of faith, but here I am!”

During his first few days of training, Blaylock was surprised by just how much depth there is to the world of paint. From the mixing process to sales, there was a lot to learn.

“I hadn’t realized just how much goes into paint, like the amount of different paints that there are, how long each needs to dry, or what kind of surfaces they can go on,” he said. “There’s a lot of information out there and reasons to use different kinds of paints. It’s quite astonishing that there’s so many choices.”

One of Blaylock’s own big choices was whether to pursue commercial or residential sales. CertaPro Painters of Northwest Indiana offers both services, with each sector challenging salespeople in unique ways. He knew quickly that commercial painting was his best match.

“I was interested in the networking side of it,” he said. “I enjoy talking to and meeting new people and doing as much as I can to be a part of the community. Working commercial gives me an opportunity to see new faces, shake new hands, and learn about the lives and businesses of people in the area. My job is to figure out how to help those people.”

When he is talking to a customer, Blaylock’s first thought is rarely to dive into the specifics of paints and prices. His number one goal is to build a connection, a relationship that he and the customer can both build on.

“The first thing I like to do is build a connection and learn a little bit more about them,” he said. “Things like their background, where they’re from, or something about their family. I don’t want the relationship to be built entirely upon me trying to sell you paint. If I go in there and say ‘I’m here to paint this for you, here’s a quote,’ it isn’t very fun and there’s no reason to be invested. I’m probably not going to hear from you again.”

Just half a year into his career at CertaPro, Blaylock is not prioritizing pure volume of sales. He knows that the relationships he establishes now will bear fruit for years.

“Right now, I’m less concerned about total sales or money and more concerned with building relationships with businesses and my clients,” he said. “I want as many of those connections as possible. I’m not just calling them to see if they need new paint; I’ll call to see how their son is doing, or to say, ‘How’s the new car?’”

When he’s not out and about speaking with customers, Blaylock has a wide variety of hobbies. Originally from Texas, he is a huge Texas Rangers fan – though he enjoys all sports. During the winter, he often goes hunting with his father. He also enjoys spending time with his wife, Valerie, and three daughters, Hailey, Parker and Ellie.

“Family, of course, is number one,” he said. “Spending time with them is my biggest hobby!”
To learn more about CertaPro Painters of Northwest Indiana, visit certapro.com/nwi.