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Chesterton High School 2015 Homecoming Parade to Feature Playhouses

Chesterton-High-SchoolFor the fourth year in a row, Chesterton High School and the CHS Student Government has a homecoming week focused on raising funds for charities. Once again, the CHS homecoming playhouses are truly focused on the Duneland community. Thanks to the generosity of sponsors, all five playhouses will be auctioned off to benefit local charities in support of the Duneland Community and Northwest Indiana.

The CHS Student Government is again forgoing the traditional homecoming float for Homecoming Playhouses. This year, all five playhouses have been built by the Local 1005 Carpenters' Union in a unique partnership. Funding for each structure has come from sponsorship by Strack & Van Til, Construction Advancement Foundation, Dr. Brian McGue D.D.S., Trout Glass & Mirror, and Metropolitan Steel. Other sponsors are Hopkins Ace Hardware, Val’s Pizza and Grinders, Kona Ice and Catylist Pro DJs.

Students and staff will provide the decorative design for each house based on a selected charity. Houses will then be showcased to the community during the Homecoming Parade and before the Homecoming football game on October 2. Houses will be placed up for auction on eBay with 100% of the proceeds of the auction going for the corresponding charity.

The senior Class of 2016 is the Porter County Animal Shelter, Class of 2017 is Parents as Teachers; Class of 2018 is Dunebrook, Class of 2019 is Family House of Valparaiso, and the Chesterton Community House charity is the Boys and Girls Club of Porter County.