On Wednesday August 9, members of the Chesterton High School Showchoir, the Sandpipers, will perform on stage with the legendary rock band Foreigner. They will be joining the band on stage at the Huntington Band Pavilion at Northerly Island and performing I Wanna Know What Love Is. Choir Director Kristin Morris first heard about this opportunity from one of the show choir parents who sent her a link to enter the contest. She submitted the application and then a month later was contacted that the group from Chesterton High School had won the honor. "I am very excited for these kids! It's a wonderful opportunity for them to perform in a venue like that and on stage with one of the classic rock bands of our time," Morris said. "The students are excited to not only watch the concert but be a part of it as well."
The group will perform at 7:00 p.m., if you are looking for something to do, get yourself a ticket, head downtown and enjoy Jason Bonham and the Led Zeppelin experience, Cheap Trick, Foreigner, and an appearance by members of the Chesterton High School Sandpipers.
Sandpiper members participating in the event are Maddy Haskell, Agia Bone, Elle Hodge, Bethany Collins, Emily Coleman, Mackenzie Simmons, Rebecca Lane, Emily Conway, Liz Watts, Emma Healy, Caroline Scheidt, Amber South, Jordyn Soffa, Eric Amling, Logan Ginther, Jaeden Taylor, Sid Augustyn, Sage Rodriguez, Connor Boren, Calvin Anders, Steven Mayersky, Alec Malenfant, Anthony Watkins, Zach Bryant and Ben Larimer. Other 2016-2017 Sandpiper members not performing are graduating seniors Miranda Brandt, Priscilla Sabourin, Sophia Moody, Anna Engel, Paige Fowler, Madelyn Matthys, Ariana Smith, Savanna Whalley, Eric Ailes, Marcus Kritlow, John Koch, Matthew Neely, Tyler Gudeman, Simon Williger, Ryan Callaway, Christian McCord and Kyle Liss.