Chesterton High School Theatre will present “The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus” on Friday, Oct. 31 and Saturday, Nov. 1 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 2 at 2:00 p.m. in the CHS Auditorium. Tickets are on sale now at the CHS Main Office during school hours or at the door before the performances. Cost is $6 for students and $8 for adults. There will be Trick-or-Treat with the cast after the performances!
Doctor Faustus is an ambitious, young graduate from the University of Wittenburg and has a choice to make. With a sharp mind and great potential, the entire world seems open to him, especially considering his lowly upbringing. Faustus considers all of the usual career paths afforded him by his university education and decides that none of them are worthy of his intellect. He chooses, instead, to pursue sorcery and attempts to conjure a demon to do his bidding. He is successful, or so he thinks, when the devil Mephistophelis appears and agrees to be his companion in exchange for his soul. Faustus arrogantly agrees, not really believing that Hell has any power over someone as special as he. He then spends the next 24 years of his life using the ill-gotten knowledge and power to play pranks on commoners, nobles, and the clergy. In the end, Faustus faces his own mortality and the terrible choices he has made, but instead of repenting as his friends encourage him to do, he insists that he is exceptional and not able to be forgiven. His cowardice and arrogance follow him as devils arrive to drag him into Hell.
Cast members include Eric Zhong as Faustus; Jake Williger as Mephistophilis; Hannah Becker as Chorus; Wyatt Lee as Old Man; Elaina Chavez as Good Angel and Gluttony; Natalie Iatarola as Evil Angel, Envy and Helen; Logan Ginther as Lucifer and Vinter; Galen Wong as Wagner and Lechery; Zac Caprous as Clown; Carley Lowe as Robin, Paramour and Pride; Josh Hogan as Ralph and a Cardinal; Natalie Beglin as Chorus and Valdes; Jordan Tuel as Cornelia; Quinlan Doolin as Horse-courser; Josh Hogan as The Scholars; Bradley Moore as The Pope and Alexander the Great; Isabelle Goodman as Empress Charlotte V; Sawyer Hallas as Knight and Cardinal Paris; Jake Lambrecht as Bruno; Mason Gipson as Frederick and a Cardinal; Emily Hewitt as Chorus, Covetousness and He-Devil; Rachel Hewitt as Wrath; Elaina Chavez; Stephanie Matthys as The Scholars and Sloth; George Romero as Cardinal Padua; Rachel Hewitt as She-Devil and as Demon Bride; and Simon Williger as Attendant.
The director is English teacher Joshua Coots and his assistant director is junior Isabelle Goodman.