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Christ Lutheran Youth Serve in Arkansas

CLC-youth-arkansas-1Pictured are the members of Christ Lutheran High School Youth of Valparaiso who spent a week working in Booneville, Arkansas with other youth from Colorado, Florida, and Kansas through an organization called Youthworks.

The youth painted homes and did minor home repair, provided programming for the local children, and spent time at the local Senior Center.

The High School Youth Program called Cornerstone meets Sunday Evenings at 6:00 p.m. starting with a meal, followed by activities, a lesson and ending with small group time. Our evening ends at 8:30 p.m. For more information contact Tammy Mason at 462-6660 or clcvalpoyouth@frontier.com

The group is planning a mission trip to Louisville, Ky July 2-8. CLC-youth-arkansas-2