Chuck Lukmann, for 45 years the Chesterton Town Attorney, announced his decision at the Town Council’s meeting Monday night, Feb. 24, to slow down and step away from his representation of town, as he begins to position himself for retirement.
Lukmann’s partners at Harris Welsh & Lukmann—Charles Parkinson, Connor Nolan, and Julie Paulson—will still represent the Town of Chesterton while Lukmann himself will continue to offer his services to select longstanding and new clients.
On Lukmann’s behalf, Nolan read a letter to the Town Council in which Lukmann expressed his gratitude to the Town of Chesterton department heads, employees, and elected and appointed officials; and the bittersweetness of moving on to this new stage of his career.
The letter in its entirety:
“Today, I want to announce I am taking the first and by far most difficult step in transitioning to my eventual retirement. I will no longer be involved in our firm’s representation of the Town of Chesterton.
“I cannot adequately express what an honor and privilege it has been for me personally to have served 12 elected Town Councils, four Clerk-Treasurers, and the dozens, if not hundreds, of appointed board members and department heads. There have been many wonderful things accomplished and difficult situations resolved on your behalf over the years. At the end of the day, all of this work is for the residents and business owners of the Town of Chesterton. I am grateful for all the clients I have had and will have before I hang it up permanently, but my first important representation was this town.
“When the law firm of Harris & Welsh was asked to represent the town, beginning in 1980, I was 26 years old. The math shows that I am not anywhere near 26 today and it is time for others to take over this important role for me. Fortunately, my partners and others whom we will be adding to the law firm are more than capable of taking over our firm’s responsiblities as the representation has always been that of the law firm. I actually believe my partners are more capable and able to serve Chesterton at this time than I am. I could not be prouder of them, their character, and their legal accomplishments. Historically, we all live in Duneland, have had our office in Downtown Chesterton, hire staff locally, and have been invested in this community by serving on the boards of several civic organizations within the community from day one. I have been fortunate to have served, on two occasions, on the Board of Directors for the Duneland Chamber of Commerce as President, among other things.
“When I came here, at the end of 1979, I really did not know anyone other than the two wonderful human beings who hired me, Mike Harris and Bob Welsh. Over the years, a totally unexpected but amazing blessing has been given me. Most of my lifelong friends have served on this council, other boards of the town, along with department heads and town employees. I have had more than my share of gifts of friendship in this regard.
“The hardest part of this announcement for me has to do with the department heads and employees. Elected and appointed officials make the very important policy decisions but really are just temporary caretakers of our town. The life blood of this community is the department heads and employees who have dedicated their lives and working careers to this town, and who have staked their family’s livelihood on Chesterton. You’re the reason why Chesterton is such a desirable, safe, and wonderful community to live and work in. You have my lifelong appreciation, support, and friendship. Only the older department heads will appreciate this, but, of course, all of you can call on me or come see me anytime with one caveat: DO NOT come as a group wearing bow ties!
“Even though I will no longer personally be involved in representing the town, I will always be available to the council, board members, and department heads to discuss any matter you wish. I realize that my institutional knowledge and memory gained painstakingly over almost half a century is hard to come by, but rest assured I will always be there for you if you need me.
“I am not going anywhere but simply beginning an orderly process of slowing down, enjoying life more, and, eventually, retiring completely. I will be around and working with selective clients for the foreseeable future.
“Again, I am grateful beyond words to each and every person with whom I have had the privilege of serving this town and wonderful community.”
When Connor concluded his reading, those in attendance at Monday’s meeting honored Lukmann and his contributions to the Town of Chesterton with warm applause.