City of Gary officials have once again implemented their snow plan in anticipation of winter storms slated to hit the area for today through Wednesday and again this weekend. To assist with removal of the barrage of snow, the City is asking residents to park on the West side of the street beginning at 3:00p.m. today through Wednesday at 11:59p.m. and again on Friday beginning at 6:00a.m. through Saturday at 11:59p.m.
“We are asking for help from our citizens so that our plows can clear wider paths on residential streets,” said Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson. “This way, emergency vehicles and school buses can get through the streets easier and residents will have more room to maneuver their vehicles as well.”
Current weather forecasts show snowfall beginning this afternoon and continuing through tomorrow. The City’s snow plan calls for the clearing of the main streets within the first 24 hours followed by the clearing of side streets and alleys within 48 – 72 hours.
Towing is now in effect where signage indicates “no parking” in areas of 2-inch accumulation or more. Citizens are asked to please adhere to the signage to avoid being towed.
During the heavy snowfall, City of Gary crews will be on the roads 24 hours a day, in alternating 12 hour shifts, as long as necessary to ensure roadway conditions remain as safe as possible during winter weather.
“We thank Gary residents for their patience as we tackle this record breaking snow accumulation,” said Freeman-Wilson. “I also commend our teams that are out on the streets helping remove the snow, and making sure that we all can travel safely.”
Freeman-Wilson went on to encourage those who do not need to venture out in the elements to remain inside. For those who need emergency plow assistance for medical issues, other major emergencies and inquiries, please call (219) 881-1311.
City officials will continue to post information as needed on its website at and on its Facebook and Twitter accounts at “Team Gary, Indiana.”
See City of Gary’s snow plan below:
The Street Department is responsible for snow and ice removal for more than 434.18 miles of city roads.
The City of Gary begins an all-out plowing effort whenever two (2”) inches of snow have accumulated and snow is still falling. The primary goals of the City's Snow Removal and Ice Control Plan are to maintain safe travel routes during the winter season as well as to restore mobility for the traveling public within a reasonable time frame following winter storm conditions.
Priority Plowing System:
The City has established a Priority Plowing system for our 434.18 miles of roadways.
FIRST PRIORITY: Primary roadways are those adjacent to schools and leading to hospitals. Primary streets are generally considered main arterial and higher traffic volume collector roadways. Hills and bridges are included in this category.
SECOND PRIORITY: Lower traffic volume collector roadways, residential streets and cul-de-sacs are in this category. During and after a storm, some streets may become snow packed as a result of vehicular traffic over unplowed roads, wind and drifting conditions. All attempts will be made to reduce snow-packed situations. Snow accumulations impairing motorists' sight distances will be monitored and addressed as needed.
City crews will plow one path (in/out) through every roadway to allow residents mobility as early as is practical in a storm. Crews will return later to finish pushing the snow back “close to curb” to clear storm inlets.
Alley conditions will be evaluated during heavier snow accumulations to determine if City assistance is needed to maintain mobility. Due to their narrow width, plowing alleys deposits snow on (and potentially causes damage to) adjacent structures such as garages and fences.
Driveways & Sidewalks:
These are the responsibility of residents and property owners. Residents should shovel snow into their yard, not the street. City crews try to avoid putting large piles of snow in front of driveways; however, this is not always possible. To avoid having to "double shovel," citizens may want to wait until after their street has been plowed before clearing their driveway. Residents are also asked to clear snow around fire hydrants, meters and mailboxes to aid firefighters, meter readers and postal carriers.
Parking Lots:
All City parking lots (City Hall, City Annex, Health Dept,) will be plowed and salted as needed. Operations may be adjusted if the storm clean-up occurs on a weekend or holiday. Property owners are responsible for clearing commercial parking lots.
Parking Restrictions:
During winter storms of two (2") or more inches, parked vehicles must be removed from posted Snow Routes to enable City crews to clear the routes properly and safely. Violators will be ticketed and towed.
During larger anticipated snowfalls, residents may be asked to park on the West side of the street so that plows can clear wider paths for buses and emergency vehicles.
School City will plow the Parking Lot at Horace Mann High School so that residences on 5th Ave can park in the lot, this will allow the State to open up 5th Avenue. Residence on the side streets in that area can also park in the lot allowing our drivers to open up side streets.
Employee Policy:
The men and women of the Street Department are on 24hr call during the winter months, from November 1, until April 1. As we monitor the weather forecast our employees are notified of any shift changes.