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Community Input Sought for Jaycees Survey

La-Porte-JayceesThe La Porte Jaycees are conducting a community survey. This survey will be used to evaluate the needs within the town. It is important to find out what areas the people in the community feel need improvement so that plans can be implemented to improve these and make La Porte a town people want to live in. Once the surveys have been collected, the Jaycees will evaluate the findings and create a plan to implement positive change within the town. Surveys conducted in the past led to the walking trail at Kesling Park and the construction of the overpass in downtown La Porte.

Any and all feedback is welcome, so please be sure to share this with anyone you know living or working in La Porte. Feel free to post a link to this on your website or Facebook so that it will reach more voices. Please note that the deadline to complete these is Friday, May 10, 2013.

The link to the survey is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UvOcMVIZ1zGC5eeZC7K0_hGh-yQ4ti3oApDGM3YzEkA/viewform