Clifford Pierce Middle School will be getting a facelift.
The purpose of the approximately $1.6 million construction project is to increase security by bringing the administrative offices to the front of the building and changing visitor traffic flow through the entrance.
“We will be able to better monitor visitors and see what’s going on in front of the school,” said LaFonda Morris, principal. “We will also have better access to the cafeteria, where additional supervision may be necessary.”
The project will create new offices for the principal, two assistant principals and dean of students; work areas for the office staff and receptionist; conference room for confidential meetings with parents; workspace and supply area; and also add utilities and ventilation.
As a result, visiting parents will have increased access to administrators.
The Merrillville Community School Corporation already has the funds for the project, so taxpayers will not be impacted. The bulk of the renovation will be paid for by savings that resulted from refinancing a previous bond.
In addition, a small portion of the project cost will be paid by the balance of a fund that was used to accumulate reimbursements from previous projects.
The construction project is scheduled to begin Oct. 14, and last approximately till the end of February. Until then, the new main entrance into Pierce Middle School will be Door #5, located on its south side.
The project will change traffic flow for student drop-offs. Details are available on the corporation’s website,
The Memory Garden that was located in the front of the building will be moved to the north side of the new main entrance.