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Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce Establishes Business Academy

Crossroads-Chamber-BuildingOn April 9, 2015 the Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce (CRCC) will begin the first in a series of business development workshops for its members and other businesses in Northwest Indiana. The Business Academy was established by the Chamber to provide small business owners the opportunity to receive academically structured and hands-on training in many of the disciplines needed to successfully manage the day-to-day rigors of growing a business.

The Ultimate Marketing Boot Camp is the title for the first set of classes. Extended over a period of 15 weeks, each 3-hour session convenes every third week. In these five sessions, participants will learn fundamental principles, strategies and actual application for a broad spectrum of marketing tools. Consumer buying behavior, integrated communications, branding and social media are among the subjects to be covered.

According to the Chamber’s planning committee chairperson Rick Riddering, “We want each series to be implementable, and not just theoretical discussions.” As a result each participant will end the series with a complete marketing plan tailored to meet their individual business growth needs.

Taught by Purdue University North Central Assistant Professor of Marketing, Ceren Ekebas-Turedi, the marketing course as well as subsequent ones will help reinforce the Chamber as a viable resource for strengthening Northwest Indiana businesses. Riddering attributes the idea for the Business Academy to Sue Reed, President and CEO of CRCC. He said, “Sue had the vision, [and thought that] if businesses in Northwest Indiana are strong, it can only help the entire region.”

The next series topic which will consist of four 3-hour sessions will be Leadership Management. High Performance Leadership, Leading Performance Teams, Communication Skills for Leaders and Leading in Changing Times are the topics for this series and the instructors will be Dr. Anne Christo-Baker, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership and Dr. Henry Williams, Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership, both with Purdue University North Central.

Tuition for the Ultimate Marketing Boot Camp course is $600 for members and $750 for all others. Registration is now open and seating is limited. For more information and to register, businesses should contact the Chamber office at 219-769-8180. Online registration is also available at www.crossroadschamber.org.

Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce works for the betterment of Northwest Indiana businesses and communities by promoting economic development, quality business practices, a voice in public policy, and civic pride. The Chamber accomplishes this through the active involvement of its members to provide business leadership, a forum for the exchanges of ideas, business-to-business opportunities and support of community events.