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Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce Welcomes New Teachers at Annual Luncheon

Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce Welcomes New Teachers at Annual Luncheon

The first day of school is always nerve racking for students, but for teachers and administrators, both new and returning, it can also be a little stressful. For new incoming teachers and administrators entering the Crown Point, Merrillville, and Porter Township School Corporations, the first day should come with ease, calmness and happiness.

On Friday, the Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce welcomed new teachers and administrators entering these three corporations by holding a luncheon at The Lighthouse Restaurant in Cedar Lake.

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“Education is an economic driver for our area,” said Sue Reed, President and CEO of the Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce. "We love welcoming the new teachers and administrators that are working in the Crown Point, Merrillville and Porter Township Schools to let them know that we are a good resource for them to use. Making sure we have quality education in our area is important for families looking to relocate in the area, as well as for employers because they need to know hat have have a trained and skilled workforce.”

Teachers and administrators were able to enjoy themselves by listening to an orchestra play music, listening to speeches, sharing stories, winning raffles, and eating lunch. The atmosphere was inviting and kind in order for the new staff to feel welcome in their new community.

“I have three children myself, so I have always thought of myself as a teacher,” said incoming Crown Point FACS department teacher Natalie Trapp. “It makes me feel special and important knowing that I was invited and a part of the event today.”

For returning teachers, the luncheon was an opportunity to share words of wisdom, advice, and past experiences with the incoming teachers and administrators. Rachel Brazil, a teacher honored by the Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce as an Inspiring Teacher in 2017 shared some words of wisdom with the crowd.

“Our students want a warm place to learn and feel loved every day," said Brazil. “Each day, you're going to ask your students to try something new- to not be afraid to try it and be themselves, and you’ll ask them to try again if they fail. I challenge you to do the same. Push yourself to try new things.”

The luncheon was also the perfect setting for Crown Point School Corporation Superintendent, Dr. Teresa Eineman, to open the eyes of teachers and administrators through personal stories. She pointed out that teachers can be guardian angels to many students, even if they may not realize it.

The luncheon was a great way to start off the school year for new and returning staff. The new teachers and administrators can now feel more at ease with their positions by learning helpful tips and meeting others from their school corporations.