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Day of Caring Projects Open June 1

Day-of-Caring-2012-1Starting June 1, community members can join together for the United Way’s annual Day of Caring by forming a team, signing up and selecting projects.

Those wanting to participate can visit www.nwivolunteer.org to view and sign up for projects from area not-for-profits. This year’s Day of Caring is set for Friday Aug. 23.

Porter County Aging and Community Services is seeking help on the following:

Painting project: Two volunteers are needed to paint the north wall. This project should take approximately 3 hours and paint and supplies will be provided. Participants should be comfortable up on a ladder.

Senior Party: Four to six volunteers are sought to help set up, host and coordinate a party with the seniors at the Hebron Senior Center, 611 N. Main St. This is expected to be a three-hour project and participants will be working with Hebron site manager Josephine Purevich who can be reached at (219) 996-5892.

Ramp installation: PCACS is continuing its access ramp initiative and the agency is looking to build a ramp at a Porter County location to be determined. This project is for four to six participants with at least two to three individuals skilled in the use of tools to help direct other volunteers. Power tools including drills, saws and nailers are needed for this project and participants need to bring their own equipment. This is expected to be a full-day project with as much work completed as possible.

Playground removal, recycle: PCACS has playground equipment that needs to be removed from the office back yard. This project is for four individuals who are able to use tools and do manual labor for approximately four hours. Team members need to bring their own equipment and PCACS staff is hoping the playground will find a new home at a new location. The staff recommends project participants stop by before the Day of Caring to view the playground and assess removal needs and understanding of how to re-assemble it at another location.

Bringing together community members for a day of giving back, the annual event continues to be a region-wide effort.

United Way Day of Caring is the only volunteer event that unites the entire region in volunteerism. We want to see Northwest Indiana as a whole out in the community, learning about local non-profit agencies and making an impact,” said Mackenna Dickt, volunteer coordinator at United Way of Porter County. “This is an excellent opportunity to jumpstart individuals in volunteering as well as serve as a team builder for volunteer teams.

We are always thankful for the participation of teams who help us with projects that may otherwise go unfinished,” said PCACS Executive Director Bruce Lindner. “Last year, we had a group from the University of Phoenix paint and get ready the area that now serves the Dayspring Women’s Center."

We value the volunteers who year after year give of their time, energy and resources to help area not-for-profits.”

PCACS’ mission is to extend a helping hand to seniors, those who are disabled and low-income residents by providing services to improve their quality of life, including transportation, nutrition programs, energy assistance and activity centers.

For more information, visit www.portercountyacs.org.