The Valparaiso Noon Kiwanis has released their weekly newsletter. This week's newsletter contains:
- Notes from the November 4 meeting, a presentation about the efforts the US military is taking to account for service members who did not return from the Vietnam War
- Notes from the November 11 meeting, the Veterans' Day Program
- Notes from the November 18 meeting, a presentation on the Porter County Aging and Community Services, Inc. organization
- Notes from the November 25 meeting, on the Valparaiso Gang Resistance Eduation and Training program
- Notes from the December 2 meeting, where Homer Drew and Joe Otis discussed basketball
- An article on the Kiwanis food donation
- An article on fruit sales, coat drive, committee meetings, Kiwanian of the Week, Veterans' Day committee, Not so Secret Handshake, 50/50, a special anniversary note, Christmas giving, Key Pins, and December birthdays
- Many photos
You can view the newsletter here.