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Designer Drugs in Porter County

Frontline-FoundationsDesigner drug use in Porter County is the latest trend and doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. These potentially deadly drugs are sold at local gas stations and convenience stores, our teens know where they are still available, including the Internet and they're buying the drugs at an alarming rate.

Bath salts in particular are rarely used in bathtubs and manufacturers have labeled them Not for human consumption to keep them on the market. There's even a misconception among some teens that these drugs may be safe because they are readily available at local convenience stores. And though bath salts and synthetic marijuana are both banned, alternate versions keep showing up under new names throughout the region.

Portage Police Chief Mark Becker: We're the experts and we dont even know the full long-term effects of these drugs. Reports of abnormal strength, paranoia, and psychosis resulting from the abuse of bath salts have been coupled with stories of self-inflicted injury and even death. Becker stresses the need of teaching young people about the realistic consequences of designer drug use.

In addition, the community must hold accountable local business owners by letting them know we care about our youth and the choices our children make. We may not always be privy to the latest trends but we can remain in loving, constant communication with our children.

Most of us, for example, tolerate a certain clutter in our lives: neglected laundry, paper wrappers, old mail. But how many of these items may serve another, secret purpose? Parents may pass over plastic bags, even cell phone cases, without realizing that they may offer evidence of their teens hidden life. Common household items convertible into paraphernalia tell parents a story different from the one their kids may tell. Being a good parent takes hard work and involves getting into your kids business, Becker says.

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