Home»Business»Development»E-PAK Machinery, Inc. breaks ground on 30,000-sq.-ft. expansion as it approaches 20 years in La Porte

E-PAK Machinery, Inc. breaks ground on 30,000-sq.-ft. expansion as it approaches 20 years in La Porte

E-PAK Machinery, Inc. breaks ground on 30,000-sq.-ft. expansion as it approaches 20 years in La Porte

Given E-PAK Machinery, Inc.’s desire to create more space for increased manufacturing, shipping, receiving, and truck access, when the La Porte Economic Advancement Partnership (LEAP) hosted a business retention meeting, E-PAK Machinery decided it was time to put that desire to work. Director of Community and Economic Development Tony Rodriguez noted how this meeting with LEAP and E-PAK Machinery quickly shifted from retention to expansion.

“They went back and forth on some expansion options, and then we got to the point where the discussion turned from working with them to stay here and expand as well. They are adding 30,000 square feet,” he said. “We are so excited to be able to support the expansion of local entrepreneurial companies. The more that they feel supported and wanted in the community, the better economic climate we have.”

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CEO of E-PAK Machinery Ron Sarto said that this in-line liquid manufacturing facility was fortunate to stay busy during the COVID-19 pandemic developing hand sanitizers and other products, so this 30,000-square-foot facility comes at a good time. He is thrilled to see how far E-PAK Machinery has come since it first started operating in La Porte on May 31, 2001.

“We went from near nothing to being in a spot where we are able to make a wonderful addition,” Sarto said. “The team down here has done a great job of growing the business and putting us in a spot where we are able to do that. It’s good for the community, everybody involved, and our team. We think we’re going to be able to expand our business probably by another 10-30% per year over the next three years. Then maybe we’ll have to do another expansion!”

As E-PAK Machinery approaches its 20th anniversary in La Porte, E-PAK Machinery President Tony Swedersky shared that his team’s commitment to the community and area will be reflected in the employee community growth to come with this new facility.

“We are continuing to expand the business as a whole and already contribute to a couple of businesses in town,” he said. “We’re going to be hiring a few more people to come on in manufacturing roles here in the facility.”

La Porte Mayor Tom Dermody praised E-PAK Machinery’s determination to take initiative. This effort to grow deeper roots in La Porte is a credit to E-PAK Machinery’s legacy and serves as a catalyst for community and county development.

“They employ City of La Porte residents, and we’re glad to have them. We’re excited for another 20 years of productivity, employment, and watching their business flourish,” he said. “It seems like every week, La Porte is having a groundbreaking of some sort, and that is good for La Porte and La Porte County. I think this shows how well the county and the city work as a team. We work together. That’s what we’re about because it’s for the benefit of our community.”

For more information about the developments happening in La Porte this spring, visit the La Porte Economic Advancement Partnership website at https://laportepartnership.com/.