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Extracurricular Activities Make a Difference

valpo-community-schoolsWritten by Jim Polite, Principal

Student involvement and active engagement in extracurricular activities are important in the overall development and growth of a student.

Students who are members of a club or a team enjoy an increased sense of belonging to the school community and also tend to be more engaged academically. This is especially true at the middle school level.

At Thomas Jefferson Middle School, our students are provided with a wide range of opportunities to become involved with after-school activities. Beyond the traditional athletic teams, the activities offered at Thomas Jefferson are designed to meet the diverse needs and interests of all of our students. Our academic-based teams have enjoyed tremendous success for many years and are points of pride for the entire Valparaiso community.

The Thomas Jefferson Middle School Spell Bowl team is a perfect example of a highly successful partnership effort incorporating students, coaches and parents. The positive result of this collaboration is evident in the team's success during the past 10 years. After recently winning the 2011 state championship, the school's Spell Bowl team extended its winning streak to five years, winning eight of the last ten state competitions.

The team averages 25 students per year, and all TJMS students are welcome to participate. The no-cut team practices at 7 a.m. every school day, attempting to master the 1,750 words on each year's Spell Bowl list. Much of the team's success can be traced to parents who support their spellers by helping with practice sessions at home.

The Science Olympiad Team at Thomas Jefferson also has experienced phenomenal success on a state and national level. Since the inception of the Science Olympiad Team in 1986, the students from Thomas Jefferson have been state champions on 18 occasions and have twice earned the distinction of national champions.

This year's team is composed of 15 members who work tirelessly throughout the school year in preparation for competitions in spring. Parent and community involvement and support contribute greatly to the success of the program.

It is important that parents encourage their child to find a club or activity of interest and become involved. Students who are involved in some type of positive activity are more successful, both academically and socially. Parents who are actively engaged in the educational process and promote student involvement in extracurricular activities greatly enhance their child's middle school experience.