Family Summer Events at Valpo Methodist

cross-flameValparaiso First United Methodist Church has several programs for the family this summer!

Movie Camp

Wednesdays, June 15 through August 3 (except July 20th)
9:30 am to Noon
This event features a biblical lesson related to the kid-friendly movie we show each week, lemonade and popcorn during the movie, and a hot dog lunch after it ends. There is no cost and everyone is invited!
Call the church at 465.1661 to find out what is playing!

Pandamania Vacation Bible School

July 18 through July 22 9:00 am to Noon
This event features Bible stories, songs, crafts, games and snacks. Pick up a registration form at the church or register online at $10 for the first child, $5 for each additional child. Children must be at least 3 years old and potty trained, up through 5th grade.
Call the church at 465.1661 for more information