I want to thank Anthony Cheky (Michigan State) and Tim Pirowski and his staff. We had the Portage Tribe tryouts yesterday for 9u thru 13u. Tony showed up at 10:30am and stayed until 6:30pm. He helped with all the tryouts and helped several kids with their swing or other baseball tips.
Very selfless to have spent your summer playing baseball away from your hometown and you are home for just a few days before you gotta head to school and you make that kind of a commitment to Portage kids and Portage baseball. Thank you so much. I know my kids will remember it forever becuase they talked about it all night. Great lesson for the kids.
Coach P or his staff, along with several of his players, also were their the entire day helping to run the tryouts. It really reminded the kids what Tribe baseball is all about. Helping them become the best player they can and helping Portage baseball win State Champioships.
Roll Tribe Roll.
Click here to see Anthony Cheky’s Michigan State Spartan Profile!