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Former St Paul Students Honored at VHS Academic Honors Banquet

St-Paul-Alumn-VHS-Awards-BanquetSaint Paul Catholic School was well represented on Sunday, May 1st when 46 Valparaiso High School seniors and their parents attended the Academic Excellence Banquet at Strongbow Inn. The seniors were honored for having a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 or better through seven semesters of high school. The honored seniors were asked to invite one teacher whom they felt was influential in their development for outstanding scholastic achievement. The students received commemorative medals from VHS principal Mr. James Doane.

Of the 46 VHS seniors who were honored, six were graduates of Saint Paul Catholic School! In addition, Mrs. Patricia Bengert, retired SPCS middle school language arts teacher and speech team coach, was invited by Ingrid Adams as her influential teacher. The six Saint Paul graduates are pictured here at the banquet with Mrs. Bengert. The students (and the university they will attend) are (left to right): Ryan Smaga (Purdue), Andrew Wall (Purdue), Mary Kate Walsh (Notre Dame), Cayla Klawitter (Southern New Hampshire University), Erica Wirsing (University of Arizona), and Ingrid Adams (Notre Dame).