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Fun Fridays and World Book Fair Information

BookfairFun Fridays at Hageman Library

Westchester Public Library’s Fun Fridays will continue in January with lots of fun ideas for kids. Kick off the New Year with a Wii Dance Party at Hageman Library, 100 Francis Street, Porter, on January 3, from 2-4 pm. All ages are welcome to this drop-in Fun Friday.

Usually the library is a place to be quiet – but Wii Dance Party attendees are invited to get loud and have fun with Just Dance, Disney Dance, and more dance games. Refreshments will be served.

For more information or to register, call Hageman Library at 926-9080.

World Book Night 2014

Help Westchester Public Library celebrate World Book Night! On World Book Night 2014, 25,000 “book givers” will each give away 20 copies of a specially-printed, not-for-resale WBN edition of a book they have read and loved (from this year’s WBN list, selected by librarians and booksellers) to complete strangers – people who may never have owned a book of their own. To promote this event, libraries and bookstores – as organizational participants in the event – form a nationwide advocacy and distribution network. Library (and bookstore) organizational participants and individual book givers each have an important role in this annual celebration of literacy by publishers, bookstores, libraries, and individuals who love books and reading.

World Book Night 2014 will take place on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 – Shakespeare’s birthday! Westchester Public Library will once again be a distribution site for the event. Apply to be a book giver by January 5, 2014. Go to www.us.worldbooknight.org, read the guidelines and list of books, and then apply. If you were a book giver in 2013 and are interested in participating again in 2014, you will need to apply again.

In April of 2014, a reception will be held at the library for book givers who have been assigned to the library as their pick-up location.

For more information call Thomas Library at 926-7696.