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Fun Things Happening at Westchester Public Library

FilmFriday Night Movie at Thomas Library

Westchester Public Library will host Friday Night at the Movies on Friday, January 3, at 6:30 pm. Families are invited to walk the red carpet into the Children's Department at Thomas Library, 200 W. Indiana Avenue, Chesterton, to view the Disney movie Planes. Have your picture taken while walking the red carpet. No registration is necessary.

Dusty is just a crop-duster plane who fears heights and has a crazy dream: he wants to be a racer. He gets the training he needs from veteran plane Skipper and enters the Wings across the World race. As the underdog, Dusty is tested to his physical and emotional limits. While some of his competitors befriend him, others try to remove him from the race. Will they be successful? Who will win the air race?

For more information contact the Children's Department at Thomas Library, 926-7696.

Knitting Together at the Museum

Area knitters are invited to gather in the Brown Mansion parlor for a cozy afternoon of knitting, conversation, and refreshments on Sunday, January 5, from 1-5 pm for Knitting Together. The program is free of charge and open to the public. Those who crochet or do needlework are also welcome to attend.

The Westchester Township History Museum, a cultural and educational service of Westchester Public Library, is housed in the Brown Mansion at 700 W. Porter Ave., Chesterton. The museum is open to the public Wednesday-Sunday from 1-5 pm. Groups may make reservations for tours by calling the museum at 983-9715.

For more information about museum programs and events please call 983-9715.

Computer Training Series at Library Continues with Computer Basics 2

Bits and Bytes will continue on Tuesday, January 14, at Westchester Public Library, 200 W. Indiana Avenue, Chesterton, with Computer Basics 2. The session will take place from 5:30-8:30 pm. The class is free, but registration is required as computer stations are limited. The program will take place in the Bertha Wood meeting room on the second floor of the library. Registrants need to be comfortable using the mouse.

Registration will begin on December 30. To reserve your spot, visit or call the Serials Department or register online at www.wpl.lib.in.us/. Click on the Bits and Bytes link.

Computer Basics 2 will continue with basics and will look further into understanding applications, storage and the control panel. Topics to be covered will include file extensions, cut-copy and paste, managing files, backing up your files, and more.

For more information and to reserve your spot in the Computer Basics 2 class, please call the Serials/Automation Department at 926-7696, extension 25.