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Funds Available to Ease Emergency Situations

pcacs_logo_little_001Beginning July 1, Porter County Aging and Community Services is offering assistance to Porter County residents facing emergency situations. The United Way of Porter County has allocated $50,000 to PCACS for its Emergency Assistance Fund.

“These funds are for low-income individuals and families who have an immediate need such as a car repair, pharmacy issue or help paying their rent,” said PCACS Executive Director Bruce Lindner.
PCACS staff will sit down with individuals and discuss the challenges they are facing to determine if the agency can help. If assistance can be given, PCACS will present the needed funds to the provider of services.

“Many people are having emergency situations because of the economic conditions that we are currently experiencing,” Lindner said. “Hopefully, once they have been helped their lives can get back to normal. Our job is to help them stabilize their financial situation.”

To seek emergency funds, contact Cindy Splitgerber or Lindner at 464-9736.

PCACS’ mission is to extend a helping hand to seniors, those who are disabled and low-income residents by providing services to improve their quality of life, including transportation, nutrition programs, energy assistance and activity centers.

For more information, visit www.portercountyacs.org.