Home»Community»Education»Get Active, Get Fit Rewards Westville Elementary School Student for Getting Active

Get Active, Get Fit Rewards Westville Elementary School Student for Getting Active

La-Porte-Health-Foundation-Get-Fit-Rewards-2016 01The Healthcare Foundation of La Porte and the former La Porte Hospital Foundation awarded the second Get Active, Get Fit prize – a set of roller blades with elbow and knee pads – on December 10 at the 22nd Annual Holiday at the Pops Concert. The prize went to 6year-old Cheyenne Knight, a student at Westville Elementary School.

Get Active, Get Fit was created by the La Porte Hospital Foundation in conjunction with pediatricians and the city and county park departments as a way to encourage children and families to get active. Activity logs are completed and turned in by children, and once a quarter, one activity log is drawn as the winner. That boy or girl has a choice of what prize they would like to receive: a bike, fitness tracker or sports package.

Even though winter is here, children can still be active! Sledding, building snowmen, and playing outside in the snow are all great ways to log 30 minutes or more each day. If the cold is keeping kids inside, find activities that will keep them up and moving around like going to a local gym or joining an after school athletic program.

La-Porte-Health-Foundation-Get-Fit-Rewards-2016 02To be entered in the drawing, a child needs to be active for at least 30 minutes on 14 consecutive or nonconsecutive days. The child or their parent will complete and turn in a 14-day activity log that details the activity that the child participated in each day. Children can complete and enter more than one activity log to have their name entered in the drawing multiple times. The activities logged do not have to be from spending time at a local park, but one log will count for two entries if more than four activities were completed at a park.

The next drawing will be held April 15 at the La Porte Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt at the La Porte County Fairgrounds. Entries submitted before April 7 will be included in this drawing, and any entries after that date will go into the next drawing. Other 2017 drawing dates will take place July 7 at the Downtown La Porte Family Movie Night, September through a Facebook Live Stream, and December 9 at the 23rd Annual Holiday at the Pops Concert.

Information about Get Active, Get Fit has been distributed throughout all La Porte, New Prairie, South Central and Westville elementary schools, as well as several local pre-k programs. This information included activity logs and program brochures. Families can also visit the Get Active, Get Fit website hflaporte.org/getactive to learn more about the program or submit an online activity log.

Activity logs are available for download at hflaporte.org/getactive or pick up at the Healthcare Foundation of La Porte, La Porte Hospital Physician Offices, La Porte Hospital (main entrance), La Porte County YMCA locations and La Porte County Library Locations. The activity logs can be submitted at any of those locations or mailed to PO Box 517, La Porte, IN 46352 once completed.