The Healthcare Foundation of La Porte (transitioning from the previous La Porte Hospital Foundation) awarded the first Get Fit, Get Active Program prize – a brand new bicycle – on August 19 at the Downtown La Porte family movie night. The bicycle went to 10-year-old Nola Krieger, a fifth grade student at Critchfield Elementary School.
The Get Fit, Get Active Program was created by The Foundation in conjunction with the local park departments as a way to encourage families to be more active and spend more time outdoors. Children could complete and turn in a 14-day activity log to be entered in the drawing for the bicycle.
Aimee Krieger heard about the Get Fit, Get Active Program and got her whole family involved.
“Participating in the program actually made my whole family keep track of how active we were,” said Krieger. “As a mom, I love the number of parks nearby. We went to the parks for exercise up to 2, even 3 days a week.”
While the activities logged did not have to be from spending time at a local park, the program was designed to educate families about the abundant listing of local park locations that they can take advantage of to increase healthy activities and playtime. The program expands on the concept of making healthy living an easy choice for families
Aimee’s daughter Nola was excited and surprised when she was announced as the winner.
“My bike got too small so I was really really happy to win a new one,” said Nola. “I ride my new bike a lot, and I mean a lot, with my friends. I love the color, style – everything.”
Nola rides her bike every day and encourages her family members and friends to be more active by inviting them to ride with her – a perfect representation of what the Get Fit, Get Active Program stands for!
Children can track their progress and turn in their completed 14-day activity log by October 21 to be entered in the next drawing. The cards can be turned in at La Porte Hospital, La Porte Pediatrics Office, La Porte County YMCA or a La Porte County Library branch. The information can also be entered online at by clicking on Get Moving or at The winner will be able to choose between a new bike, a new scooter or an activity tracker bracelet.
Check for the date and location of the next drawing as it is finalized and to find more information about the Get Fit, Get Active Program.