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Gottschling Serves Community as PCACS Board Member

Ed-Gottschling1For more than 20 years, Ed Gottschling’s mission has been to further the vision of Porter County Aging and Community Services through his time on the board, including stints as president in ’02, ’03, ’07 and ’08. “I continue to participate because I have the knowledge and experience to make a difference and I am only interested in serving the community,” he said.

The board works to establish policies for administering the programs and services that PCACS provides to the community as well as consider fund-raising opportunities.

“I am expected to not only attend the meetings, but be well informed and let my voice be heard based on my life experience,” he said. “I also consider my duties as a board member to be to weigh everyone’s point of view, make constructive suggestions and work with the group to reach a consensus.”

Ed believes his role as a PCACS board member also extends to truly knowing the needs of the communities that the agency serves and how the programs and policies are assisting those individuals.

“We provide key services from transportation to nutrition programs, ramps for the disabled to state energy assistance.”

Looking back, Ed feels his assistance in negotiating a settlement for owed funds from an area agency marks a key accomplishment for him as a board member. Looking forward, he sees the importance of PCACS to the community.

“My goal is to continue to provide our services in the future, even in the face of funding concerns and cuts at all levels of government,” he said. “PCACS is important to Porter County because there is no other organization that is able to provide these key services to this population, which will only increase with the addition of the Boomers.”

Ed brings a wealth of life experience to his PCACS role. He retired from Illinois Bell in 1985 after working 33 years as a manager and had been on the Portage City Council for 16 years, serving as president for 10. He served in the Coast Guard/Navy during World War II.

pcacsHe has two children, Dr. Daniel E. Gottschling and Dr. Laura Buthod, and two grandsons. His wife, Nina, is deceased. Laura is a pediatrician in Crystal Lake, Ill., and Dan is a cell biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Dan received the National Academy of Science Award in Molecular Biology in 1995 and in 2010, was elected into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has been elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences and will be inducted into the academy in April 2012.

“It is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a U.S. scientist or engineer,” Ed said. Beyond his duties on the board, Ed is a member of the Gary Sportsman Club, Bonner Senior Center and American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association; life member of the VFW, American Legion, Saxon Lodge, Purdue Alumni Club and Portage Historical Society; and a member of the Portage Exchange Club board. He is past president of the Portage chapter of AARP, an elder at St. Peter Lutheran Church and one of 16 commission members on the Governor’s Commission on Aging, on which he represents the 1st District.

For more information on PCACS, visit www.portercountyacs.org.