What’s recently happened?

As December progressed at La Lumiere School (La Lu), finals quickly approached and so did all other end-of-semester festivities. The end of the first semester culminates with Christmas dinner on the Wednesday before break. Following Christmas dinner, students take their last day of finals on Thursday and then break begins.
Christmas dinner is largely run by the prefect council, made up of 11 senior leaders who help Susie Eguizabal, senior advisor for Student Services. Specifically, Hospitality Prefect Tobin Bush takes a big role in the preparation of decorating the fieldhouse where the dinner was held.
Not only do the prefects have a role in the preparation of Christmas dinner, however. Together the entire school has the opportunity to take part in a candy cane fundraiser to raise money for gifts for the faculty's children. While faculty are encouraged to bring their children to both the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, Christmas dinner is especially fun for the kids. With visitors such as Santa Claus and his workshop of elves, the faculty’s children are always excited to get their presents from Santa himself.

Another activity that the La Lu community took part in the month of December was a toy drive with Family Advocates of La Porte. Organized by Social chair of the La Lu Parents Association Joanne Abele, the community was able to set up a giving tree at the Parents Association holiday party.
For this tree specifically, the La Lu community wanted to donate items for teenagers in the greater La Porte County community. Family Advocates is a program in La Porte County that has been around for 35 years. Abele worked closely with current Executive Director of Family Advocates Jackie Dermody throughout the process of the giving tree to learn more about what products were needed by the La Porte community.

Through the giving tree, the La Lu community was able to help Family Advocates accomplish their goal of giving every child a gift.
“We are deeply grateful to La Lumiere for their generosity and commitment to supporting Family Advocates. Their support demonstrates the incredible impact that youth can have when they come together to uplift others,” Dermody said.
On December 19, two senior students, Macey Hamilton and Avery Tegt, were able to assist Abele in delivering the gifts to the Family Advocates Harmony House in La Porte. Through this experience, they were also able to see firsthand the impact that the donations were having on other teenagers in their community.
“Having the opportunity to complete service to the community that surrounds La Lu is something that is so rewarding. In talking with Mayor Tom and Jackie, it was rewarding to see where our service will have an impact,” Hamilton said.
What’s coming up?
The excitement around La Lu in the days leading up to winter break was not only excitement for winter break, but also for the upcoming La Porte Civic Basketball Tournament. For the past three years, the Laker fans have taken over La Porte for a basketball tournament that is nationally televised and hosts several major top teams and players.
This year, the La Lu Lakers will take the court all three days, January 9, 10, and 11. La Lu is no stranger to great basketball however, with three of ESPN’s top 100 recruits including forward Jalen Harleson who is committed to the University Notre Dame, guard Darius Adams who is committed to the University of Connecticut (UCONN) and forward Chuck Love who is committed to Loyola University Chicago.
“Having the opportunity to see varsity national play in La Porte against some of the best teams in the nation is what makes the Civic tournament so rewarding,” said Junior Christian Lake. “The atmosphere that the students are able to bring to the auditorium makes the games exciting as well.”
The tournament will host 11 games across the three days, with all teams being a part of the highly sought-after Nike Elite Youth Basketball League (EYBL) Scholastic Conference.
Following the La Porte Civic Tournament, the Lakers will make its return to the classroom on January 13 to begin their second semester. A return to the classroom also means a return to season for the other winter teams.
The second semester at La Lu is just as fun as the first semester is, with a majority of the school traditions such as The Taste of La Lumiere, along with Senior Candles, Senior Dinner, and culminating with the convocation for all academic and athletic awards along with the commencement ceremony.
Staff spotlight:
Kevin Effron has been a part of the La Lu community since the fall of 2020. Prior to working at La Lu, Effron worked at Holy Cross Church in South Bend after graduating from both Marian University with an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and the University of Notre Dame with his Master of Divinity degree.

At La Lu, Effron is a Theology teacher, the Becket Dorm Parent, and the Varsity Boys Soccer assistant coach. Along with being a teacher, coach, and dorm parent, Effron also loves being a part and leader of his head’s cup team, Sullivan. During head’s cup games, you can often find Effron getting very strategic with his other teammates and hyping up the crowd to try and win.
Integrating both academics and co-curriculars at La Lu is something that is at the core of the La Lu identity and something that Effron takes a large part in. Effron credits the community aspect of La Lu to be the reason La Lu is the place it is.
“Our academics and co-curriculars work so well because we all belong and are willing to do what we do for one another. I have never worked somewhere as dedicated to this work of integrating every single member into the community as La Lu,” Effron said.
Being a Theology teacher at La Lu is an interesting position due to the diverse student body at La Lu. Although La Lu is affiliated with the Catholic church, a part of La Lu’s mission statement is to explore faith, ultimately meaning that many different religious beliefs come together in Effron's freshman required class, Biblical Literature. This part of La Lu’s identity has become one of Effron's favorite things about La Lu.
“I see my role, primarily, as holding the duty of integrating our foundation with the work of faith exploration in a way that allows those who are Christian to deepen their own faith while introducing the core principles and beliefs of Christianity to those who are from other traditions. I love being both that first introduction to Christianity for many of our students as well as the person who gets to challenge our Christian students to deepen their own knowledge and understanding of their faith,” Effron said.
Student spotlight:
Senior Charlie Peck is from Chesterton, Indiana, and has been a La Lu day student all four years. Peck also currently serves a role on the prefect council, Serviam Prefect, where Peck works closely with Doctor Katrina Powers to coordinate service activities throughout the Northwest Indiana community.

In his role as Serviam Prefect, Peck works to develop and cultivate a love of service throughout the La Lu community. His primary responsibilities include planning community service trips that are engaging to all students, along with implementing outreach programs in the local community during the academic year.
This school year, Peck has worked to bring his unique viewpoint to service at La Lu, aiming at cultivating the enjoyment that service brings to him and sharing it with the La Lu community. Already this school year, the Serviam Council has hosted a multitude of projects including multiple invasive plant removals with the Shirley Heinze Land Trust, serving at Life Care, assisting with the Michigan City Shop with our Cops event, as well as raising money and participating in the Dunebrook Dragon Boat Race.
“I am excited about upcoming events with nursing homes and assisted living centers that the council has not collaborated with yet as well as the prospect of working with animals,” Peck said.
Other things that Peck has been a part of in high school include film club, international pen pals, and three years of cross country and baseball. Throughout this school year, Peck has aimed to show the La Lu community how fun it can be to engage in service, and Peck also wants to bring that into the new year!