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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Wheeler history comes to life 

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Wheeler history comes to life 

What’s recently happened?

Wheeler High School (WHS) has operated on trimesters for a long time. This means that there are three finals weeks with five classes per trimester. However, last week the school board decided on a new change. WHS will be turning to semesters next year. 

“Semesters are going to be a bit weird, but I’m excited to only have two finals weeks,” said Junior Delilah Chalmers-Peters.

Switching to semesters will increase the amount of classes a student is taking at one time. However, the class periods will be shorter, and will go from 67 to 48 minutes per class. It is still undecided if block scheduling will be used, but that is the hope for a lot of students.

“Block scheduling will allow more in-class help, especially since class periods are becoming shorter,” said Junior Titus Parrish. 

What’s coming up?

On Wednesday, February 26, boys from all grades will go head to head in an Ironman Volleyball tournament. The freshmen theme is pink out; the sophomore theme is steez; the junior theme is lifeguards; the senior theme is princesses. 

“Junior theme is the best no question. It’s so tough,” said Junior Clara Davis.

The tournament will be freshmen against juniors and sophomores against seniors, and then the winners will go against each other to determine the final winner. The teams who do not win in the first round will also face each other to finalize the order. 

“I am a junior, but I think princesses are hilarious,” said Junior Madisyn Rouch. 

All of the admissions proceeds go to this year’s Prom.

“I’m not playing, but I have full confidence in the seniors,” said Senior Fredrick Gaetz.

Staff spotlight:

Colie Zwierz is one of the math teachers at WHS. She teaches mainly Algebra II. Zwierz’s favorite part about teaching is seeing the students learn how to apply knowledge and grow analytically. 

“Math is all about learning how to problem-solve. Kids always ask how they will use math in real life. I tell them it’s not the math itself you’ll use, but what the math teaches you,” said Zweiz.

Her favorite part about Algebra II is the word problems because they are the most like real world problems. She is able to teach how to use percentages and other types of math a person may encounter outside of school. 

Zwierz has two kids in elementary school. They love drawing their mom pictures and they are displayed all around her room.

“I love being reminded of my kids while I’m teaching. It reminds me how my students were once that age and that my kids will someday grow up,” said Zwierz.

She hopes current students will continue to push through the last trimester and not give up. She hopes graduating students pursue what they love and don’t slow down. 

“I remember the last stretch of school before summer always being the toughest. If the kids just remember to keep pushing and that it isn’t over yet, they will be fine,” said Zwierz. 

Student spotlight:

Isaac Rios is a senior at WHS. He is part of National Honors Society (NHS), Student Council, show choir, Social Studies Academic team, theater, and bands including marching band, pep band, and jazz band. On top of all of those extracurriculars, Rios works at Michaels. 

“I do a lot of things, but I love every part of each one,” said Rios.

Rios has been in theater since middle school and has built many bonds with the other students who he now calls friends, and even family.

“We have formed a nice family who all share common interests,” said Rios.

His favorite part of all of his activities is the result. He loves seeing all of the pieces and people come together and work as one. 

Unsurprisingly, Rios was also the drum major for the WHS band. He also helps with the middle school theater program, mainly with directing. 

“I have been filled with pride conducting the band family marching and performing and watching the middle schoolers put together the show bit by bit,” said Rios. 

Rios is shown to be adored by all of the school as he was nominated for Homecoming and Prom court. This is not easy, as only a handful of people are chosen by the student body to be on the courts. 

His favorite memories include bedazzling his theater director’s head after the seniors won the Homecoming Pep Rally and sending emails to the band director about a fake pigeon named Bartholomew when he missed a day of school. 

He plans on majoring in history and secondary education. He hopes to use his degree to become a high school social studies teacher. He will be attending Purdue University Northwest to achieve this goal. 

 “I have always loved history, and I want to spread the joy to the next generation,” said Rios. 

His goals of becoming a teacher prove his love for helping others to grow and seeing how they thrive after the fact.