Home»Other»Griffith Green Alley Modernization Project

Griffith Green Alley Modernization Project

City-of-GriffithAs part of the Neighborhood Improvement Initiative program created by the Griffith Town Council, work will soon begin to pave all alleys in town. The project involves removing the current surface of most alleys and replacing it with a porous asphalt that will allow storm water to seep into the ground underneath the alley pavement. The objective of the project is to eliminate many flooding problems in and along alleys and to provide a new clean driving surface.

Town Engineers have inspected all alleys and developed a scope of work. You are invited to a meeting to review the proposed project and we are asking for additional input for any unique situations that may be present in your alley. If you are unable to attend the meeting you may email concerns to alleyproject@griffith.in.gov or call 924-3838.

The Griffith Town Council will be holding its Town Council meeting on May 5th, 2014 at 7 pm in the LGI room located at Griffith High School, 601 N Wiggs. Enter off Wiggs through door N.