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Healthcare Foundation of La Porte Awards Prize for Being Active

Healthcare-Foundation-of-La-Porte-Awards-Prize-for-Being-Active-2017The Healthcare Foundation of La Porte (HFL) awarded their Summer Get Active, Get Fit! prize at the Downtown La Porte movie night held on July 9. The prize went to Emma Snyder, a 5th grader at Hailmann Elementary School. Emma selected a volleyball set as her prize, which included a volleyball, ball pump, net and boundary lines.

Get Active, Get Fit! was created by HFL in conjunction with pediatricians and the city and county park departments to encourage children and families to get active. Activity logs are completed and turned in, and once a quarter, one child’s activity log is drawn at random as the winner. That boy or girl has a choice of what prize they would like to receive: a bike, fitness tracker or sports package.

To be entered in the drawing, a child needs to be active for at least 30 minutes on 14 consecutive or non-consecutive days. The child or their parent will complete and turn in a 14-day activity log that details the activity that the child participated in each day. Children can complete and enter more than one activity log to have their name entered in the drawing multiple times. The activities logged do not have to be from spending time at a local park, but one log will count for two entries if more than four activities were completed at a park.

There are multiple ways to enter an activity log into a drawing, including a mobile phone app! The goal of the app is to make it easier for parents and families to keep track by allowing you to fill the log in as you finish activities. Once you have filled in 14 activities, the app will automatically submit your log. Learn more about the different ways to participate in the program at hflaporte.org/get-active.

The next prize will be awarded Saturday, August 26 at the Tour de La Porte. Entries submitted before August 21 will be included, and any entries after that date will go into the next drawing! The last 2017 drawing will take place December 9 at the Holiday at the Pops Concert.