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Healthcare Foundation of La Porte Health and Wellness Grant Applications Open

Healthcare Foundation of La Porte Health and Wellness Grant Applications Open

Grant applications are now open for the Healthcare Foundation of La Porte’s (HFL) health and wellness grants. HFL has budgeted $3.5 million for local organizations whose proposed programs and services empower residents to live healthy and well in and around La Porte. HFL hosted two educational meetings with 106 people in attendance to announce and explain the grant application process. Organizations interested in starting a grant application should go to hflaporte.org/grants to learn more.

Healthcare-Foundation-of-La-Porte-Health-and-Wellness-Grant-Applications-Open_02 Types of Grants:
Responsive Grants: Healthy La Porte
Grants of up to $25,000 that focus on: expanding successful existing programs that improve the health and wellness of the residents of the City of La Porte and surrounding areas, attracting new initiatives to attend health and wellness needs identified within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas, and creating collaborations to better attend health and wellness needs identified within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas. These grants are for programs that do not fall within one of our three Strategic Focus Areas.

Healthcare-Foundation-of-La-Porte-Health-and-Wellness-Grant-Applications-Open_03 Strategic Grants: Grants of any amount that address one of three specific board-approved major community needs with a defined impact on health and wellness.

  • Healthy Living: Grants in this area focus on reducing obesity and weight-related chronic diseases, improving access to healthy foods and reducing food deserts, and increasing community-wide focus on active living and fit lifestyles.
  • Healthy Children: Grants in this area focus on decreasing the number of low birthweight births, decreasing the number of uninsured children, reducing childhood obesity, reducing teen births, improving education about tobacco and drug usage and their consequences, increasing safety in homes and schools, increasing access to mental healthcare for children, and increasing the number of children and parents making informed decisions about good childhood health and its lifelong benefits.
  • Healthy Minds: Grants in this area focus on increasing access to treatment for mental health issues and substance abuse and decreasing drug and tobacco usage.

Healthcare-Foundation-of-La-Porte-Health-and-Wellness-Grant-Applications-Open_04 Capacity Building Grants (also known as Healthy Partners) will be announced at a later date. These are grants that increase the impact of non-profit organizations in our area to strengthen and grow community organizations’ knowledge, infrastructure, management and governance.

Healthcare-Foundation-of-La-Porte-Health-and-Wellness-Grant-Applications-Open_05 To be considered for an award the proposed supported program must directly serve or support residents who reside within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas and will impact and improve health and wellness. Priority will be given to evidence-based proposals that encourage collaboration between community organizations.

HFL will not fund underwriting for an organization’s annual appeals/solicitations, special events or general fundraising; organizations who discriminate in any way based on participation or membership in a specific religious faith, race, gender, citizenship status, sexual orientation, age or disability.; endowments; or lobbying or the support of any political candidate, political party or political activity. Faith based organizations will be considered for grants so long as the grant proceeds are used for programs offered by such organization that are offered to individuals regardless of their religious affiliation, race, gender, citizenship status, sexual orientation, age or disability.