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Healthcare Foundation of La Porte Now Accepting Health and Wellness Grant Applications

Healthcare-Foundation-of-La-Porte-logoNew in 2018, HFL will offer two separate grant cycles for health and wellness projects. The types of grants and eligibility requirements are identical, giving applicants the flexibility to select the cycle that works best for their organization and project timeline. Grant Cycle 1 opened on February 5 and closes March 16, and Grant Cycle 2 will open May 25 and close July 6.

During the 2017 grant cycle, HFL awarded a total of $2,850,561 in funding for grantmaking, capacity building, and HFL’s own programs and projects. 61 grant projects submitted by 44 La Porte organizations and totaling $2,463,107 were approved by the HFL Board of Directors. These projects will run from November 2017 to November 2018.

To be considered for an award, the proposed program must directly serve or support residents who reside within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas and will impact and improve health and wellness. Priority will be given to evidence-based proposals that encourage collaboration between community organizations. Organizations can visit hflaporte.org/grants to learn more and apply. HFL only accepts applications through their Grant Portal, a link to which can be found on the HFL website. Applications sent by any other means will not be reviewed.

Applications requesting funding of more than $25,000 will be required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). The LOI is due through the Grant Portal by February 28 for consideration. Applicants will receive a response to their LOI within three days of submission. If given approval to apply, applicants will be invited to complete their grant application in the Grant Portal.

Types of Grants:
Strategic Grants: Grants of any amount that address one of three specific board-approved major community needs with a defined impact on health and wellness.

  • Healthy Living: Grants in this area focus on reducing obesity and weight-related chronic diseases, improving access to healthy foods and reducing food deserts, and increasing community-wide focus on active living and fit lifestyles.
  • Healthy Children: Grants in this area focus on decreasing the number of low birthweight births, decreasing the number of preterm births, decreasing the number of uninsured children, reducing childhood obesity, reducing teen births, improving education about tobacco and drug usage and their consequences, increasing safety in homes and schools, increasing access to mental healthcare for children, and increasing the number of children and parents making informed decisions about good childhood health and its lifelong benefits.
  • Healthy Minds: Grants in this area focus on increasing access to treatment for mental health illnesses, increasing access to treatment for substance abuse, decreasing drug and tobacco usage, decreasing controlled substances dispensed and decreasing alcohol related driving accidents.

Responsive Grants: Healthy La Porte
Grants that contribute to the health and wellness of La Porte but fall outside the scope of HFL’s three Strategic Focus Areas. These grant proposals are limited to requests of $25,000 or less and should expand successful existing programs that improve the health and wellness of the residents of the City of La Porte and surrounding areas, attract new initiatives to attend health and wellness needs identified within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas, and/or create collaborations to better attend health and wellness needs identified within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas.