Home»Community»Serving»Helping Hands of Northwest Indiana Seeking Donations for Families during 2016 Holidays

Helping Hands of Northwest Indiana Seeking Donations for Families during 2016 Holidays

Helping-Hands-of-NWI-Santa-logoIt is that time of year again! We are writing to ask for your assistance with a worthwhile cause. “Helping Hands” is a non-profit organization involving the Northwestern Indiana Building & Construction Trades Council, Krieg & Devault, Lake County Commissioner’s Office, First Midwest Bank, City of Gary, Salvation Army, Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority, Lake County Sheriff’s Department, and the City of Hammond. Our sole purpose is to help needy families in the Northwest Indiana area.

We were pleased with our success last year, but we always try to achieve more and we can’t do that without your help. For us to reach a new goal, we need all community leaders and members to participate.

Our “Helping Hands” Committee realizes that every kid should have toys to open at Christmas. So, we are asking you to please consider making a donation, whether new/unopened toys (to any location listed above) or any monetary amount, to the “Helping Hands” campaign.

An average of $15,000 is donated annually to gift cards to be donated to the Ark Shelter (Gary), Sojourner Truth House (Gary), St. Joseph Carmelite (East Chicago), St. Jude (Crown Point), and The Rainbow Shelter (Gary). Hundreds of toys are donated from contractors.

We are an all-volunteer group with no overhead, all contributions are tax deductible. One hundred percent (100%) of your contributions will be used for Northwest Indiana families in need during the holiday season. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated!

Please make PAYABLE to:
NWI Building & Construction Trades Council
6570 Ameriplex Drive
Portage, IN 46368
Tax ID # 23-7170019

Distribution dates are right before Christmas, so we will need all donations in by Friday, December 9, 2016. Any donations given after the 9th will go for next year’s campaign. If you need any further assistance, please contact Jessica, at the Building Trades office at 219-762-2951.