Asher Michaelis, 20 months, and Talib Al-Mamri, 14 months, enjoy a healthy snack at Hilltop Neighborhood House. Hilltop participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). By following meal pattern requirements set by the State of Indiana, Hilltop is able to provide quality, nutritious meals to their children.
Hilltop Neighborhood House participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) which is a federal program that provides reimbursement for healthful meals and snacks served to children and adults. Because CACFP participants’ nutritional needs are supported on a daily basis, the program plays a vital role in improving the quality of day care and making it more affordable for families.
CACFP facilities follow the meal patterns established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Who is eligible for CACFP meals? Children age 12-and-under and youths through age 18 in the area’s eligible snack programs such as Hilltop Neighborhood House. For more information about the CACFP program or other Hilltop services call 219-477-4222.