June Monthly Luncheon
June 13th, 12:30 p.m.
The Hobart Chamber June Luncheon will take place in conjunction with our Golf Outing at Innsbrook Country Club. If you are not golfing but would still like to come for networking and a great lunch, the cost is only $20 per person and includes Innsbrook's famous perch, chicken, mashed potatoes, and more!
The buffet style lunch will take place at 12:30. Please make your reservation to the Chamber today!
June "Casual Conversation" Networking Breakfast -- If You Are a Business Owner, You do Not Want to Miss This!
How to Grow Your Small Business
While the Networking Breakfast is open to all of our members, if you are a business owner, in particular, you cannot miss this breakfast! Dave Vinzant of Vinzant Software attended a course in Chicago on "growing your small business" and he is prepared to share his knowledge with you!
The breakfast is set for June 25th, 8:30 a.m. at the Hobart Chamber. The breakfast is free, but please RSVP, 942-5774.
Meet Your Local Authors at Brentwood
Brentwood at Hobart's Book Club led by Annette Kelsey will host a "Meet Your Local Authors" Friday June 27 at 10:00AM. We will be giving the authors an opportunity to briefly discuss their book and offer a time for meet and greet after the discussions. Light refreshments will be served.
Carla Susan wrote "Independence Day Plague" a biological thriller taking place in Washington DC July 4th 2026 for America's 250th birthday celebration. This read will make you very aware of what you don't know can hurt you. This book was on Amazons suggested Summer Reading list for 2013.
Henrietta Nordyke wrote "Anna and Colin in God's Time" a historical romantic novel with religious undertones. Story takes place in England 1815 after the defeat of Napoleon. Through many heartbreaking challenges of life and fate can love prevail?
Carolie Warren, Hobart Middle School Principle, wrote "But, Mama, How come Grandpa gets to?". A children's book inspired by caring for her elderly parents. This book will encourage families to make the most of treasured moments with their loved ones.
Brentwood at Hobart is located at 1420 St. Mary's Circle in Hobart West of St. Mary's Hospital. Please RSVP to 219-945-1968
Important Upcoming Meetings and Events
Business Expo Committee Wrap-Up Meeting -- Wednesday, June 11th, 9:30 a.m.
Hobart Chamber Golf Classic -- Friday, June 13th, 8:00 a.m.
June Monthly Luncheon -- Friday, June 13th, 12:30 p.m.
Pig Roast Committee Meeting -- Monday, June 16th, 9:30 a.m.
Marketing Meeting -- Tuesday, June 17th, 9:00 a.m.
Booz Fest Committee Meeting -- Tuesday, June 17th, 10:00 a.m.
Ambassadors Committee Meeting -- Wednesday, June 18th, 9:00 a.m.
"Casual Conversation" Breakfast Meeting -- Wednesday, June 25th, 8:30 a.m.
Mayor Brian Snedecor Golf Outing -- Friday, June 27th
Meet the Author at Brentwood -- Friday, June 27th, 10:00 a.m.