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Home Stretch – It’s Time to Push to the End: PTSC Weekly Update

porter-township-schools-logoIt seems each year I am somehow caught off guard by arriving at the fourth quarter of the school year. It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming students for the first day--but as opening day is happening in baseball I know we've reached the last quarter of the school year!

Even though we have reached the home stretch, that does not mean we need to coast to the finish line. Now is the time to do the hard work necessary to finish strong! As I'm sure you remember, sometimes it can be hard as a student to maintain that motivation to excel at the end of the year. Sometimes students need an extra push!

Don't forget to use our resource in Harmony to login and take a peak at your student's assignments and grades. Keeping up with where they are achieving academically through Harmony can help to ensure that each quarter is strong. Taking a few minutes each week to update yourself on your child's progress will help keep motivation high! Login today!

PTSC Standouts:
Have you thanked a member of your school office staff lately? Those secretaries and nurses do an outstanding job of keeping our buildings safe, answering questions, and helping folks get what they need. They are amazing--find a chance to tell them!

Email PTSC standouts to Dr. Schmidt at stacey.schmidt@ptsc.k12.in.us.