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Honoring Nurses’ Commitment to Health Care

“Blessing of the Hands” follows:

A Blessing of the Hands Prayer
Leader and Participants Read Together:

Blessed be the works of your hands, O Holy One.
Blessed be these hands that have touched life.
Blessed be these hands that have nurtured creativity.
Blessed be these hands that have held pain.
Blessed be these hands that have embraced with passion.
Blessed be these hands that have tended gardens.
Blessed be these hands that have closed in anger.
Blessed be these hands that have planted new seeds.
Blessed be these hands that have carried out endless tasks as part of caring for our community.
Blessed be these hands that have reached out
and been received.
Blessed be the hands that hold the
promise of the future.
Blessed be the works of your hands, O Holy One.
Source: National Health Ministries

Annually, National Nurses Recognition Week focuses on highlighting the diverse ways in which registered nurses are working to improve health care. From bedside nursing in hospitals and long-term care facilities to the halls of research institutions, state legislatures, and Congress, the depth and breadth of the nursing profession is meeting the expanding health care needs of American society.

A traditional ceremony will be held at 7:30 am on May 6 on the Valparaiso Hospital Campus, with the “Blessing of the Hands” for anyone who wishes to participate. The blessing acknowledges the powerful impact that the touch of a hand can have in the healing process, whether starting an IV, changing a bed, or hugging a grieving family. Activities honoring nurses’ commitment to health care will continue throughout the week at all of Porter’s campuses and off-site locations and will include an announcement of the “Patient Choice Award” to one Porter Health System nurse chosen from patient nominated nurses.

The ceremony will be part of a week long recognition of nurses during National Nurses Week, celebrated May 6 – 12, the day of Florence Nightingale’s birthday. Nightingale is known as the founder of modern day nursing.

“These ceremonies are very symbolic remembrances of the important contributions of all nurses to the continuum of patient care and to the very special people that comprise the nursing profession,” said Taffy Arias, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at Porter Health System. Porter employs approximately 650 nurses system-wide.

For more information contact Kelly Credit, Director System Strategy and Marketing, at 219.263.7096.