Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Hounds About Town is in Valparaiso During May!

Hounds About Town is in Valparaiso During May!

Hounds-About-Town-SouthlaneHounds About Town is a community event that's fun for all ages! Businesses throughout Valparaiso have purchased concrete dog statues from Kids Power (Porter County) and decorated them. During the month of May, the public is invited to go the participating businesses to view the dogs. They obtain a special code from the leg of the dogs.

Once they get 50% or more of the codes written on their code page, they can mail it in to be in a drawing for cash prizes! (and other prizes!) When mailing it in, they can also cast their vote for the decorated dog that they like best and the businesses could win prizes, too!

People can also elect to use SpeedPass voting, which does not require them to obtain any codes.

For more information about Hounds About Town, please visit http://www.kidspowerportercounty.org/houndsabouttown.htm