Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Indiana Wesleyan University--Merrillville
8415 Georgia St., Merrillville, IN 46410
Check-In: 5:30 PM; Program: 6-7:30 PM
Teepa Snow is a Dementia Expert who trains and consults for agencies, facilities, and families. Her training as a master’s prepared occupational therapist as well as her extensive and varied work and teaching experience provides Teepa with a unique perspective. She started her career as a direct caregiver over 35 years ago. She has taken care of two family members with dementing illnesses. The combination of her been-there-done-that skills and her formal training give Teepa the credibility and experience to help caregivers with tried-and-true solutions. Teepa is an advocate for those living with dementia and has made it her personal mission to help family and professional caregivers better understand how it feels to have dementia so they too can be better caregivers.
Seating is limited so please register in advance. Light refreshments will be served. Please register by calling 800-272-3900.