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I’m No Political Pundit, but I’m a Fan of IndianaNet

Politics isn’t my forte. Challenge me to a debate and you’ll witness an Olympic-worthy sprint from the room (but if we were debating, say, the top bands of the 1960s, I would roll up my sleeves and let the faceoff begin!) Still, that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the legislative process. In fact, I often use the Indiana Chamber’s online service – IndianaNet – to find valuable legislative information.

No matter your level of political savvy, IndianaNet offers something for everyone. Consider it your year-round connection into the Statehouse. From the comfort of your desk, laptop or BlackBerry, you can access regulatory information, track bills, view committee schedules and floor calendars, and create custom reports. In addition, the service contains contact information for all legislators, archived legislative sessions (starting with 1998) and more.

Simply logging onto IndianaNet is a huge time saver – and, arguably, a lifesaver. OK, I might be exaggerating slightly, but believe me, as the winter months (and the legislative session) approach, I’ve been thinking about that four-letter word – snow. Thanks to IndianaNet, I don’t have to exhibit my acrobatic skills by doing somersaults during a trip on foot (no pun intended!) walking from the Chamber offices across the street to the Statehouse.

Three final reasons to subscribe to IndianaNet: it will keep you informed of key legislative developments; it’s a small investment (just $199 and there is no special software to install); and it offers convenience (and isn’t time money?)