Improve Home Resale Value With Inexpensive Upgrades

Considering selling your home? As you investigate this option, you may also want to take stock of things that you can do to improve the resale value of your investment. There are lots of small, inexpensive improvements that can go a long way toward making your house more attractive to potential buyers. These improvements can help you close a deal more quickly and receive more cash in the end.


You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make sure the outside of your house dazzles. Paint is inexpensive, and a weekend spent shoring up the paint on shutters, framing, and siding can reap dividends later down the road. Additionally, take a look at your landscaping. A freshly trimmed lawn and a upkept flowerbed can help improve a homebuyer’s first impression of your property. For more ideas, check out this blog post on gardening trends.


Aside from keeping your home neat and tidy, there are other steps you can to take to impress visitors as they enter your house. Walk through your house periodically to make sure that you are using light to your full advantage. Consider buying brighter bulbs, or, for the environmentally conscious consumer, use energy-efficient lighting such as LED bulbs. Maximize the natural lighting of your home by opening blinds and shutters, and experiment with different lighting combinations at different times of the day for optimal appeal. Pay special attention to the kitchen, as this is often one of the first things that buyers look at when entering a home. You may be able to replace old appliances and fixtures such as sinks and faucets for relatively little expense. This will increase not only your own enjoyment of your home, but it will also improve your home’s resale value further down the road.

Added Features

If you are not looking to sell immediately, there are additional improvements you can make to improve your home’s value. Consider making installing alternative forms of energy such as solar panels. This will not only save you money on your utilities, but it will also make your home more appealing to buyers. Being one of the first houses in the neighborhood to utilize alternative energy sources can hep make your house more attractive to the trendy and environmentally conscious homebuyer.

Some inexpensive upgrades and a few hours of elbow grease can do a lot to expedite the sale of your home and increase its value. Honey-do projects have never been so profitable!