In union there is strength

In union there is strength

Kindness can transform someone's dark moment with a blaze of light. Just ask Tim Ispas of Highland, who now has a new roof thanks to Korellis Roofing, Inc., and Roofers Local 26.

In 1996, Ispas suffered a life-threatening gunshot wound during a duck hunt outing in Southern Indiana. The Highland native recovered miraculously from his wounds, but they would ultimately confine him to a wheelchair, changing his life forever. But the incident did not change his faith in man.

Over the years, community members kindly helped him in various ways. In 2004, Roofers Local 26 of Merrillville were contacted to see if they could help Ispas with his leaking roof. They replied with a swift, “yes.”

“We felt great about being able to help Tim,” said Joe Pozzi, business representative and organizer of the Local 26. “He certainly deserves it.”

Some 14 years later, Ispas found he was in need of additional roofing assistance, and a new generation of union roofers has answered the call.

Brian Bass, training director and apprentice coordinator for Roofers Local 26 J.A.T.C., and his team stepped up by providing the knowledge and labor to remove and install an EPDM (rubber) fully-adhered tapered system roof design. Korellis Roofing, Inc., donated the materials.

Roofers who volunteered their time for the job considered the project a rewarding experience.

“When I heard we roofed Tim’s house in 2004 and we were asked to do it again, I was without a doubt thrilled to be a part of it and did not hesitate to lend a helping hand. It makes me proud to give back and make a difference in someone’s life in the community,” said volunteer Austin Markle of Local 26.

This volunteer project would not have been possible without the building materials and work donated by Korellis Roofing Inc. alongside the hard-working individuals of Local 26.

“What the union workers did helped us avoid costly repairs and uplifted my spirits. I can’t say thank you enough,” said Ispas.

For more information about Korellis Roofing, their initiatives and services, visit