Home»Business»Development»La Porte Chamber Offers New Pop-Up Mixers to Members

La Porte Chamber Offers New Pop-Up Mixers to Members

LaPorte-Chamber-of-CommerceThe Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce is offering a new networking opportunity to Chamber Members, the Chamber Pop-Up Mixer. The Pop-Up Mixer is all about last minute networking!

Each month the Chamber will choose a ‘Popping Up' location at a Chamber member's business for a brief networking session. Invitations will be sent out via email and the Chamber’s Facebook Page two days before the mixer. The Pop-Up Mixer is available to Chamber Members and potential members looking to network with local businesses.

This is not a substitute for the Chamber’s Business after Hours, which offers two hours of networking and advanced notice to Chamber Membership. A Business after Hours sponsorship for 2013 is only $100. That is 50% less than the 2012 price!

If you'd like to host a Business after Hours, please contact Ashley Hawkins at hawkins@lpchamber.com or call 219-362-3178.