Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»La Porte County Public Library Membership Luncheon, May 20th

La Porte County Public Library Membership Luncheon, May 20th

la-porte-county-public-libraryThe Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce will host a Chamber Membership Luncheon on Tuesday, May 20th, at Portofino Grill, 3233 N. State Road 39, La Porte.

The sponsor of this event is the La Porte County Public Library. The La Porte County Public Library will speak about library programs and information. The cost is $18 for Chamber Members and $23 for Non-Chamber Members and registration begins at 11:15 a.m. with lunch and the presentation at 11:30 a.m.

La Porte County Public Library is the center of community life with a focus on reading, lifelong learning and public involvement.

Registration is encouraged and may be done by contacting the Chamber at (219) 362-3178, or at http://business.lpchamber.com/events/