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Legal Minute: “What is a Deposition?”

In Harper and Rogers, Attorneys at Law new weekly video feature: “Legal Minute,” attorneys from the office will answer and try to explain in the most basic terms, the public’s most common questions about the practice of law, changes in the law and common legal terms. Often times, lawyers tend to assume that everyone knows and is familiar with terms and legal applications such as: ‘implied consent,’ or ‘medical malpractice.’ Moreover, many times the general public has been misinformed by movies or television programs about their rights and legal procedures.harper-rogers-logo

In this new weekly series, the attorneys from Harper and Rogers, who have over 80 years combined experience, will spend a few moments answering some of their clients’ most basic questions about legal terms and areas of the law and their rights under certain situations. The attorneys will also try and dispel some myths or common held beliefs about the law and common legal terms.

If there is something you have always wondered about the law, such as, “What does ‘habeas corpus’ mean?” send us an email at mail@harperandrogers.com. Perhaps we will answer your question in our next ‘Legal Minute.’ Check out all of the videos on their YouTube site.

Here is the latest 'Legal Minute' "WHAT IS A DEPOSITION?"