Note: This took place before social distancing was in place.
Liberty Intermediate Turtle Court Royalty: Liberty Intermediate School recently celebrated its 43rd anniversary of the Turtle Olympics. During the annual Turtle Olympics, both fifth and sixth-grade students participate in the traditional obstacle course, flipper race, terrapin spin, shoestring shuffle, tug-of-war and turtle toss. The selected 2020 Turtle Court royalty this year is pictured left to right, Turtle Princes, fifth-graders Seth Williamson, Bradyn Stephan, James Drury and Tyler Dhaemers; Sixth grade Turtle King and Queen, respectively, Jacob Mitcheltree and Olivia Allyn; and fifth grade Turtle Princesses Kristin McCoy, Mia Aguilar, Lily Gilbert and Sonae Gordon. (Duneland Schools photo)