Lincolnshire Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center offers some of the most comprehensive therapy programs around the Region. Their new Director of Physical Therapy, Josh Campos, is looking to expand on their pedigree, already settling in with his new team and making friends with patients.
Campos started his career in therapy six years ago, when he worked as a rehab tech while going through college. After gaining experience at other facilities, he had another child and decided to look for something closer to home and found Lincolnshire. It quickly proved itself a unique facility compared to his previous experiences.
“It’s a smaller team; I was used to having a lot more staff and patients,” Campos said. “It was a bit of a shock, but it’s good because I only have 7 people to worry about instead of 23 or 24. I get to know my patients and therapists a lot better.”
Even though his goal is to get every patient back on their feet as quickly as possible, Campos loves to build a strong relationship with everyone he helps.
“I have three patients that come see me every day, even after they’re out of therapy,” he said. “They come by and say hi. I think that brightens up their day, and it definitely brightens up mine.”
One of his most memorable patients was an avid golfer. Campos struck up a friendship with him that lasts to this day.
“I actually just took one of my former patients mini-golfing,” Campos said. “He was with me for a while, about a 100 days, and all he wanted to do was golf. We became good friends and he texted me asking to go mini-golfing because he was so excited to be at the stage where he could.”
Many of the people he works with led perfectly healthy lives, only for a random stroke to leave them bedridden. Helping those patients get back to their daily lives is Campos’ favorite thing.
“It’s amazing how you can take a person who’s debilitated, and then by the end of the program have them up, walking, and ready to go home,” he said. “Plus, seeing those patients’ families witness that progress is just so significant.”
For Campos, those experiences guide his philosophy for treating patients; everything is based on their individual needs.
“Patients come first here,” he said. “Our therapist just does whatever the patient needs. The goal is to have every patient out within 30 days.”
Thanks to Campos, his team, and the state-of-the-art therapy gym, every patient at Lincolnshire receives the highest standards of care. Learn more at