Home»Other»Mayor Invites Real Estate Professionals to Lunch

Mayor Invites Real Estate Professionals to Lunch

Michigan-City-Mayor-Ron-Meer-SOC-1Mayor Meer has invited Michigan City Realtors to join him for lunch and an informal discussion regarding the present and future plans of Michigan City. The Mayor stated: “Realtors are this city’s front line ambassadors, they play a critical role in gathering community intelligence and providing insight into where the greatest impact can be made. Maintaining an open dialogue benefits everyone in our community. Realtors are out there every day touting the benefits of living in Michigan City and they need to be fully aware of what the goals are and how we will implement them together.”

Among the agenda items will be topics such as: Historic downtown renovation progress, residential housing, commercial and business impact planning. However, the real purpose and focus of the meeting is to open up the floor for feedback, questions and ideas from realtors.

The lunch and discussion will be held on April 20, 2015 at the Pickle and Turnip restaurant located at 827 Franklin St., in the center of the Historic Arts District at 12 noon. All Michigan City area realtors are invited, however reservations are required no later than April 15th so accommodations can be made.

Mayor Meer stated: “I am looking forward to meeting this group and anticipate a lively exchange.”