The Michigan City High School (MCHS) Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps conducted a presentation at Barker and Krueger Middle Schools on January 14, 2015. The objective of the presentation was to familiarize the 8th graders with JROTC prior to scheduling for their courses as freshmen at the high school. The Marine Corps requires that MCHS maintain at least 100 cadets in order to maintain the program. The current JROTC enrollment is 125.
The presentation started with introductory remarks by Senior Marine Instructor Major Tom McGrath. He emphasized that the JROTC was a leadership, not a preparation for the military, program that can benefit all students, regardless of their interest in the military. He also provided examples of cadets who have earned advanced promotion in the military and earned ROTC college scholarships worth $180,000.00 through their participation in the JROTC.
The cadets did multiple drill and physical training demonstrations to provide examples of some of the activities available to students who enroll in the program. Three senior cadets also provided their opinion of the JROTC. The demonstration was well-received by the students, as they asked many pertinent questions.
“Our cadets performed very well, particularly with limited practice due to the recent school cancellations,” said Marine Instructor Master Sergeant Jeff Benak. “I think the majority of the 8th graders were duly impressed.”
Major McGrath closed the presentation, telling the students that “With our program, as in life, the most important thing you need is a positive attitude. It is your attitude, not your aptitude, which determines your altitude in life.”