Meet the Assistant Principal —Borg Richardson

By: Contributor Last Updated: October 11, 2011

St-Paul-Borg-RichardsonWritten by Jane Scupham, principal

Last week, I had the pleasure of having an assistant helping me in the office and around the school. Second grader Borg Richardson arrived ready and eager for work every morning. Borg tackled the morning announcements over the intercom system like an old pro. He led everyone in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, announced birthdays, and special happenings. He even rolled the uniform dice a few times!

Borg is a wonderful boy who has 3 younger brothers: twins, Jude and Luke who are 3 years old, and one year old Reed. He is happily anticipating the arrival of another sibling in the springtime. Borg said his dad owns County Line Orchard and his mom “takes care of everybody.” He has a real interest in trains and building with Legos. He is currently working on a Lego Death Star model from Star Wars.

Borg said that he doesn’t have any pets but “when my mom is ready for it, she’ll buy a dog.” He is interested in becoming either an astronaut or a train engineer when he grows up. Borg’s favorite subject is math because “you learn about dividing and tricky math problems like 5 + 12.

Borg’s favorite part of being the assistant was getting to do the announcements “because everyone could say the prayers with me.” In addition to liking to lead the prayers, Borg likes learning about God and learning new things in a Catholic school.

The changes he would like to implement at school would be to have a half day of school and a half of day of recess with bouncy houses for all recesses! Borg thought the hardest part of being principal was all the work we have to do. Little does he know that the pleasure of being with students such as Borg is a fantastic perk of the job!